Another weekend of sewing..... Here are a few of my new "projects" You guys are so great for referring your friends to my site- I can't believe how busy I've been...THANK YOU!!!!

A cute mousepad for Becky what a great teacher's gift...hint, hint, for all you mom's with kids in school :-)

ahhhh, the gingham chocolate lab.... I can't get enough of him!

Some red tees...even though the picture looks orange :-)- what a great birthday present for some brothers- thanks for the order Elizabeth!
You know I LOVE the twins gifts- especially boy/girl combos..... Thanks Becky!!!

This is a pink micro gingham check bubble- it's so sweet and tiny. I hope baby Charlotte loves it!
More stuff for baby Charlotte. I think this frame design would be cute for an older girl as well....

Such a classic look for a sweet boy...

A good friend also has a son with a mild obsession with trucks- she found this great truck fabric on ebay, sent it to me and viola- "truck pants shorts"...well, that's what baby William calls them. He cried when I wouldn't let him wear this to school today 1) it's 57 degrees, 2) you're not Wyatt...he replied "double you"...which he knows starts William...he may be too smart for his own good! Thanks Sica!!!!
I also made three dresses- and ran out of buttons, so more pics to come soon!
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